Intellectual Freedom Podcast

# 112: The Doctor of Philosophy Committed Suicide. Nobody Noticed.

David D. Hopkins, PhD Season 1 Episode 112

It's not a secret that higher education and the academic elites far too often do not serve the nation effectively. 

The PhD is especially failing society in countless ways. More specifically, this podcast focuses on our philosophers and great thinkers. 

I'm not interested in exploring fields such as educational leadership/administration or any other silly 21st-century doctorate fields made up by administrators and self-serving faculty committees to put students in debt so they can have "a title" in this podcast. The explosion of doctorate "degree specialties" is a topic for another day.  

But our Doctors of Philosophy are committing relevancy suicide. We discuss the role philosophers should play in today's complex world. The big thinkers need to stop quibbling over dead philosophers, building CVs, and publishing in journals that nobody will ever read. The great minds in our universities can bridge the gap between abstract theories and solve real-world problems if only they would step into this role with the same vigor they used to earn their degrees or publish to get tenure. 

We delve deep into why philosophers need to step up, engage with the public, and tackle the critical issues of our time. From critical thinking and problem-solving to effective communication, philosophers possess unique skills that can illuminate our path forward if they only step out of their tiny world of academia. 

It's time to call out academia, specifically the PhDs, so they can wake up before society decides they serve no purpose and discard them.  

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