Intellectual Freedom Podcast

#104: The Tragic Loss of the Foundation for Justice and Morality

David D. Hopkins, PhD Season 1 Episode 104

The world is in a state of chaos, and one of the main reasons is the loss of a unifying system of justice and morality. It can be argued that long before the flowering of democracy and the idea of freedom sprung to life in the West, Thomas Aquinas' Natural Law Theory laid the foundation. However, this foundation is eroding in our post-modern era. 

Aquinas believed there was an immutable natural order to the world and everything in it. This natural order unified all people. Furthermore, he argued that certain moral principles were inherent in this natural order and were accessible to reason. In other words, anyone could discover natural law through rational inquiry.

But today, the natural law theory is being eroded by the waves of post-modern thought crashing against Aquinas's traditional philosophical and theological views. Instead, we live in a world where morality is relative, and individual rights are constantly redefined. Unfortunately, this has led to a world where justice is often arbitrary, and people are left grasping to understand the rules of the game.

Join me as I deep dive into Thomas Aquinas, his life, theories, and specifically the Natural Law Theory, and where society is and potentially where it will go if we don't carefully evaluate our trajectory in America today.


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